Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Try a Challenge Course

Challenge your skills by entering into a motorcycle challenge course. They are a lot of fun and can help you discover what skills you may be lacking in.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

How Tall are You

How tall you are can make a big difference when it comes to riding, or rather, stopping a motorcycle.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Getting into Adventure Riding

Getting into Adventure riding is not about how many years of pavement experience you have. Here are some of the steps to consider when making the transition or simply entering into the sport of off-highway motorcycle riding.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Moto Travel - How to get started

Chasing the sunset is the dream, and sometimes getting started is the hardest part. Let us highlight some of the questions you’ll need to ask yourself and get you rolling.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Demo Rides - What to Know

Demo rides are a great way to test out a motorcycle you are serious about buying. However it can also feel overwhelming and make riders nervous. Here is what to know before heading in to throw a leg over a new or new-to-you motorcycle.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Embrace the Suck

“If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not learning.” Lean in and allow yourself to embrace the suck. No one becomes great at anything by staying safely curled up under their blankets. Get out there and be willing to suck a little to become great!

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

How to Pick the Right Motorcycle for YOU

It can be really exciting, complicated, and overwhelming to pick a motorcycle for yourself. We’ve simplified the process and given you three categories to consider and weigh into your decision making process.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Cassie’s Moto Camping List

Motorccyles and Camping make a great pair. Use this list of items to help get you started. Make the adjustments to the list as you need to make it work best for you and your moto camping trip.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

“Rider Insurance Policy” Not the Stuff You Pay For

Consider what your “rider insurance policy” is in that moment and dial it in accordingly. We all have one, but not everyone knows how to use it. Learn more about yourself as a rider and as a person through your “rider insurance policy.”

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Riding Gear - Where to Start

Getting started is usually the hardest part. Let CLEAR Moto help get you pointed in the right direction. Gear is a deep topic, so we’re only skimming the surface in this blog, otherwise we’d end up writing a book.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Let’s Talk About Carbon

It takes a lot less to start offsetting your carbon footprint than you might think, all thanks to organizations like Motorcycle Offsetters. Enjoy riding your motorcycle guilt-free and becoming carbon negative.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

Level Up

Motorcycle training comes in levels. Knowing which level to pick can be tricky. Get an idea of what levels are and how these levels are taught at CLEAR Moto - Motorcycle Rider Training.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier


Pink or not to pink. At the time, it wasn’t a question I thought to ask myself. The pink jacket taught me a few things about the kind of attention I did or didn’t want.

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Cassandra Maier Cassandra Maier

My Teaching Style

You deserve to have a coach that fits your learning style. Owner and Lead Coach for CLEAR Moto - Motorcycle Rider Training share’s what her teaching style is like.

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